About Me
Hello! My name is Jim O’Neal. I was born on October 20, 1963. My father was a teacher, who often read to me when I was a young child. My father’s reading to me set the foundation for my becoming a writer. Graduating from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee in May of 1986, there followed a three-year enlistment in the army, the acquisition of a printing and
publishing degree, and years of writing novels, children’s stories, plays, and poetry. I’ve been influenced mostly by the Russian writers: Chekhov’s The Lady with the Dog inspired me to become a writer. My favorite book is Crime and Punishment; and who can treat the subject of soft, doomed love better than Turgenev? Also, rooted deep in my subconscious, resides Dickens, who is my earliest influence. My favorite playwright is Moliere, and my favorite poets
are Keats, Shakespeare, Tennyson, and Pushkin, although there are so many magnificent poems and poets, and so many more to be read! Sorry, I don’t have a Facebook page: it would distract me. I do, however, have a couple novels and some plays and poetry on Amazon. And if it’s true that writers get “discovered” after death, then I’m looking forward to that day with eager anticipation! Thanks for stopping by!